Helping a brand find its way.

Bucknell University

Helping a brand find its way.

Helping a brand find its way.

Bucknell University’s name has always carried a great deal of weight, even for those unfamiliar with the school. What Bucknell lacked, however, was a good story that truly differentiated the university from its peers.

As we began to get to know the school, we realized that what made Bucknell different was the unpredictable journeys that its students and alumni take. Like at any university, Bucknellians declare majors and minors. But these choices don’t strictly define who they become. It’s not unusual for an English major to end up in business, or for someone with a biology degree to excel in entertainment. The knowledge and support that Bucknell offers translates well to any career path.

These journeys – each one a paradigm of the Bucknellian experience — proved to be the starting point from which to explore a powerful brand story.

Laying out the path to success.

Laying out the path to success.

“By Way of Bucknell” was the kernel of a new creative platform for the brand. It’s a phrase that encapsulates every Bucknellian’s journey, as they explore their passions, hone their skills, and forge the connections that lead them to their successful futures. And each of those stories is personal and unique.

Accordingly, the brand taps into these narratives, which are told verbally and visually, using a system of icons and line work that connects branching pathways and distinct points along the journey. From one subject to another, one extracurricular to the next, each profile is individual, while authentically linking back to the larger idea.

Providing the road map.

Providing the road map.

Each piece of print collateral carries the brand’s distinctive look and feel. We implemented the creative platform through pieces that speaks to Bucknell’s best-fit prospective students and presents the university authentically. The viewbook not only tells the university’s story, but also presents potential pathways to success through profiles of current student and alumni. It even includes a sample road map, an at-a-glance toolkit for students interested in the admissions process.

  This work was created as part of a team, on behalf of Ologie, for Bucknell University.

This work was created as part of a team, on behalf of Ologie, for Bucknell University.